Oh how the mighty have fallen! Did you miss the rail budget too!!


1st Feb 2023, 11 AM: The FM Nirmala Seetharaman rose and spoke for nearly 90 minutes. I listened. And listened. Since I mostly failed to grasp the content and direction, I remembered these lines of Troilus from the bard’s Troilus and Cressida, Words, words, mere words, no matter from the heart: the effect doth operate another way”. Whatever the bard meant by that, these words did have a confusing effect on me.


I was, of course, not an impartial listener. As a railwayman for life, I was listening patiently to grab the expected four lines on Indian Railways, if not from the heart, at least from the mind. Four lines it was the last time round: 1) efficient logistics for small farmers and Small and Medium Enterprises, including in integration of Postal and Railways networks to provide seamless solutions for movement of parcels. 2) ‘One Station-One Product’ 3) Kavach on 2000 km and 400 Vande Bharat trains and 4) PM Gati Shakti Cargo Terminals.


I had tweeted my blog on my expectations from the rail budget the day before with the statement, Tomorrow's the day of the budget. I am not savvy enough to talk about it but still, have hopes from the chhota wala, the railway budget, of four lines in the FM's speech. Read on if you have hopes too”:




I followed it with a tweet in the morning today, referring to the blog and the budget, Read it, friends, before 11 AM and do guess what the FM's 4 or 5 lines on Rail Budget would be! I am wondering as of now...             


Pretty soon, she did speak, calling out grandly that it was something about railways. And then all of one line. Or perhaps, one and a half. One about the Capital Outlay of Rs 2.4 lakh cr, which she said was the highest ever and nine times higher than that in 2013-14 (never mind that she herself had proposed Rs. 2.45 lakh cr last year). And another half about one hundred critical transport infrastructure projects, of which, presumably and hopefully, some would involve railways.


What can I say? I have to recall my uncle, Chachā Ghālib and begin rummaging through the boring numbers, possibly camouflaged, of the rail budget to extract something meaningful:


Thī ḳhabar garm ki Ghālib ke uḌeñge purze

dekhne ham bhī ga.e the pa tamāshā na huā

(The news was hot that Ghālib would be blown to smithereens and I too went to witness the grand show and spectacle but what was revealed was a damp squib.)



  2. Dude i dont understand your blog. Its poorly written, unorganized and a failed attempt at good writing. Choice of betters words and flowry sentences does not mean more clarity and meaning.
    Please man dont be a sulking old man in the corner critisizing everything just because you want to show off little english that you think you have. Let me tell you, the english you write is poor and superficial. It lacks a deep relationship with the language. Hope you get a life. Bye for now.

    1. You bloody as**ole, you don't measure the pubic hair of Mr. Mani. His book is a best-seller, you pathetic low-life idiot. Mr. Mani is a phenomenon. You are a pathetic low life, c*nt.

  3. Man also do something about that beard which seems to bigger than your face. And get rid of that stupid badge in your shirt pocket with that ridiculous lanyard. Trim your beard, wear a nice white shirt and most importantly get a smile. You will look nice bro.

    1. That you are criticizing the looks of a person shows what a pathetic low-life you are. Mr. Mani created Vande Bharat train for the country. What the fk did you create as**ole?

    2. BTW, as**ole, since you bloody coward criticized Mr. Mani anonymously, I too went anonymous. Show your balls and identify yourself. I shall identify myself, bloody bugger.

    3. Dear sensible anonymous, thanks for the defence. There are these "low life, c*nts" as you call him, who are not only cowardly losers but also incorrigiblly vacuous. No point in enaging with them. I can delete his comment but it shows him to be what he is so be it. Thanks anyway.

    4. Mani sir, the way this man paid so much attention to your looks and attire makes me suspect he should be a perverted homosexual. Sir, regardless of these insects, please continue to inspire us and the world. For every one such parasite, there are thousands of genuine admirers who look up to you for motivation and energy. Thanks sir. Thanks very much.

  4. What's the point of vande metros when RRTS is a superior mode of intercity transportation? Mani sir what is your take on this?

  5. Please write an article on Alstom manufacutred vande bharat trains


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