
Showing posts from July, 2024

Budget and Indian Railways! Going Air India Way or too far gone already?

The title of this blog would already caution you that this is not going to be anything laudatory as far as Indian Railways (IR) is concerned. Which would not surprise most readers much given that most of my recent writings, not all for sure, do not sing paeans to IR. Most of the readers do tend to agree with me, partially at least if not fully. There is, however,  decidedly a curious brigade of trollers who omit to read beyond the title but start puking, with a common theme being that the author, having failed to secure a cozy post-retirement sinecure, pours out his frustration in these critiques. Little do these pitiable trollers know that there is certain pleasure, to the mind, soul and thankfully, one’s coffers too, in being an independent consultant, far removed from the rut of an advisory role in government, and in the freedom of speaking and writing one’s mind.   But it is not about me. It is about IR, an institution I love, warts and all, as a railway man for life and which

Train of Thought: Shakespeare and Ghalib's Epic Railways Rumble!

  The country is abuzz with some sensational news about Indian Railways (IR). These are not just your run-of-the-mill headlines; we are talking happenings of such epic proportions that even the daily soap operas are taking notes. Let us dive into this sublime whirlwind of train tales that could give the Hogwarts Express a run for its Galleons.   First up, we have the saga of IR, the pillow dictator. (Refresh your memory here: )   Picture this: a passenger clings to not one but two pillows like they're precious family heirlooms. Meanwhile, another passenger, left counting sheep on a barren mattress, makes a complaint on railmadad portal. The attendant, who was caught in this fluffy crossfire between the pillow-grabber and the pillow-deprived, faced the wrath of the Railway Gods with a salary cut that would make a budget ai