
Showing posts from July, 2021

Shakespeare for laymen and Ghalib today (Part three of both)

  Readers may recall my blog posts on how both on Shakespeare and Ghalib had influenced me profoundly by their seemingly simple creations which we, mostly unknowingly, speak even today to make our language more powerful, and indeed, colourful.   I have, in the course of three blogs, and a couple of YouTube sessions, presented some examples of what all we say today which we owe to Shakespeare, outlining the background as well. I had also put together some outstanding couplets of Ghalib, which we can liberally use to make our day-to-day language potent and splashy, without going into its deeper or mystical meaning. The link of the latest blog covering all this:     I had thought of continuing it as a series with blogs and sessions on YouTube but, gradually, I realized that it would be a good idea to put it all together in a book, which would go in other aspects of the poetry of these two greats. Whatev